BONOKOSKI Whats black female educated and ignored

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Mark Bonokoski Erin O'Toole left out Toronto's Leslyn Lewis, a former leadership candidate who has social conservative views and is not exactly onside when it comes to the Tories' confused vaccination mandate. Erin O'Toole left out Toronto's Leslyn Lewis, a former leadership candidate who has social conservative views and is not exactly onside when it comes to the Tories' confused vaccination mandate. Photo by Handout photo /Supplied Article content

The Conservative Party of Canada is self-harming.


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What’s the point of the public witch-hunt against Tory national councillor Bert Chen, demanding he turn over personal emails, social media postings and phone records to find out who in the party he was in contact with when drawing up his betrayal petition?

This witch-hunt is atop Chen’s 60-day suspension from the party’s national directorship for publicly petitioning Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole to resign after his September loss to the Liberals, citing betrayals such as fiscal irresponsibility, ignoring peoples’ freedoms with his vaccine policy, and embracing a carbon tax, despite promises not to.

So it’s not only piling on, it’s likely creating a paranoia among party and caucus members worried about their names turning up.


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“It is our view that this investigation is an unprecedented campaign by the Conservative Party of Canada to thwart dissenting views and oust those party members who disagree with the leadership of the party,” wrote Scott Hamilton, who is representing Chen, in a statement to Global News.

Hamilton is not wrong. But is the party right?

Bottom line it’s an unnecessary and ill-timed fishing expedition.

Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole addresses supporters at the Tribute Communities Centre Arena in Oshawa, Ont. following the federal election, Sept. 21, 2021. Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole addresses supporters at the Tribute Communities Centre Arena in Oshawa, Ont. following the federal election, Sept. 21, 2021. Photo by Ernest Doroszuk /Toronto Sun

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Think this: Black, female, with multiple academic degrees including one in law, which she has practiced for 20 years.

Would she not make a good front-bench critic for the Tories of at least something, even if obscure?

Well, no. When Tory Leader Erin O’Toole drew up his shadow-cabinet list, wisely putting Pierre Poilievre back overseeing finance and talented newcomer Melissa Lantsman in transport, he left out Toronto’s Leslyn Lewis, a former leadership candidate who has social conservative views and is not exactly onside when it comes to the Tories’ confused vaccination mandate.


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So much for the party’s “big tent” promise.

It’s a pup tent at best, afraid of someone different from its caricatured image as a party run by old white men.

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The British tabloids, being what they are, are having a field day with two bizarre items coming out of the COP26 summit in Glasgow.

The first was the full 20 minutes, captured on video, of U.S. President Joe Biden sitting with his eyes closed during the opening session, only to be finally jarred eyes-wide-open by a political aide when it was time to move on.

Was he asleep? Or just resting his eyes?

This, of course, would entertain the Trump crowd who have affixed the “Sleepy Joe” tag onto Biden, both because of his age and the fact he is far from being animated.

Then it is Camilla Parker-Bowles, wife of Prince Charles, who claimed Biden let out a loud and long fart while in her presence.


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A source told The Mail on Sunday newspaper: “It was long and impossible to ignore. Camilla hasn’t stopped talking about it.”

Parker-Bowles, 74, apparently encountered an allegedly wind-struck Biden at a reception at the Kelvingrove Art Gallery, which was also attended by her husband and her step-son and his wife, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

It’s not the first such allegation the 78-year-old Biden has faced, say the tabs. A video shared by senior Republican politicians, including Donald Trump, showed Biden making a toot-like noise while chatting to Tom Wolf, the governor of Pennsylvania.

This can be dangerous.

At Biden’s age, a fart cannot be trusted.

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You have to hand it to the online marketers working on Trump’s Save America campaign. They have already jumped on the “Let’s Go Brandon” phenomenon, giving out “Let’s Go Brandon” T-shirts for a donation of $45.

And they’re nice-looking T-shirts, too. Very understated.

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A survey just sent out to Liberal Party of Canada faithful on what needs to be done to keep “Canada moving forward” never mentions the tackling of the debt and deficit.

It’s as if they didn’t exist, which far too many Liberals would rather choose to believe.

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