Letters to the Editor Aug 3 2021

The Issue: The Biden administration’s policy of letting migrants enter the United States, even with COVID.
Miranda Devine is one of the few journalists who is not afraid to point out what a fraud President Biden is (“Dem super spreaders,†Aug. 2).
He passionately reads a script off the teleprompter asking America to get vaccinated while sticking his head in the ground as illegal immigrants infected with COVID cross our border.
This policy shows the Biden administration has little concern for the American family. When will one of the White House reporters have the courage to ask the president to explain?
Nicholas Maffei
Devine was spot-on with her article. When are Americans going to wake up and realize that this administration doesn’t care about legal Americans?
The Democrats keep making the American public run around in circles to keep up with the mask on/mask off mandates and scaring everyone about the Delta strain while letting thousands of illegals with COVID come into our country.
They then disperse them throughout our nation without alerting authorities of any infections. As a Catholic, I am very upset with Catholic Charities, among others, putting one group of people above our citizens.
Republicans better hammer this home to voters during the mid-term elections. That’s the main way to rid this government of elitists who make rules they are only too ready to break themselves. Americans, get smart.
Joanne Norris
Old Greenwich, Conn.
If federal government officials are so concerned about American citizens being vaccinated to prevent the spread of COVID and the new Delta strain, then why are they permitting immigrants to enter our borders?
They aren’t being tested, nor given the vaccine, yet they are permitted to wander our country and further spread this deadly virus.
The progressive left speaks of universal health care, the Green New Deal and more socialist ideas, but instead of protecting the citizens of the United States, leftists are letting the virus flourish via thousands of carriers entering this country.
Jeffrey Kleinman
Washington, NJ
The Biden administration is sending COVID-positive migrants to towns and cities throughout the United States.
Is this good policy? I believe not. Is this placing the health of American citizens at risk? I believe so. Does this action create the potential of a “super spreader†event? More than likely.
So here’s the deal, Mr. President â€" put the lives and health of American citizens ahead of the individuals who have broken the law and crossed the border illegally.
The current policy must change for the public good. Protect American lives.
Alan Cornet
Wellington, Fla.
The Issue: Comedian Michael Che’s posts mocking Simone Biles’ exit from Olympic events.
Perhaps Michael Che is too insensitive to be allowed to perform on Saturday Night Live (“Gymnasty jokes,†July 31).
His nasty and false comments about Israel’s vaccination policy were surpassed by his hateful and humorless quips about gymnast Simone Biles and disgraced sexual predator Larry Nassar.
SNL producer Lorne Michaels should throw him off the show in the name of decency.
Mel Young
Boca Raton, Fla.
Che was never funny, but picking on Biles during her hour of need is reprehensible.
Imagine if he were white and made such blatantly offensive statements? He would be relegated to the dustbin of history.
Charlie Honadel
Venice, Fla.
Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected] Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.
This post first appeared on Nypost.com
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