Kevin from Queensland is here to help with light relief

July 18, 2021 â€" 5.00am

In a grim news week, the intervention of former prime minister Kevin Rudd in the vaccine rollout debacle was a welcome spot of mischief.

Last Sunday the ABC’s Laura Tingle broke the story that in late June, senior Australian business figures based in the United States took matters into their own hands regarding the leisurely Pfizer vaccine rollout in Australia. They reportedly discussed making contact with the vaccine manufacturer in the US to see whether it could fast-forward its Pfizer deliveries to Australia, to get more of us vaccinated sooner.

A welcome distraction? We are amused, Kevin Rudd.

A welcome distraction? We are amused, Kevin Rudd. Credit:Alex Ellinghausen

The situation was considered especially urgent given the emergence in Australia of the Delta variant, the variant that has now forced our two largest cities â€" 11 million people â€" into miserable lockdown.

Tingle reported that a senior businessman, who she chose not to name, met US Pfizer executives, who made it known they were dismayed and offended that Prime Minister Scott Morrison had not made personal overtures to their global chief, Albert Bourla. Apparently this is something Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu had done about 30 times.

Netanyahu has many, many flaws, but before he was ousted as prime minister last month, he had led one of the world’s fastest vaccination rollouts. Israel’s full vaccination rate stands at almost 60 per cent.

Back to our Kevinish intrigue. According to the ABC report, the Pfizer execs suggested that, if Morrison was indisposed to make representations on behalf of his country, perhaps Rudd â€" a former prime minister with a strong interventionist streak â€" might talk to them instead. They knew of Rudd through his work with the New York-based Asia Society. They thought he may “have some influence”.

Kevin the Influencer from Queensland was only too happy to help.

A Zoom meeting was arranged. (We can only speculate as to whether he chose a wacky Zoom background for the hook-up, or if he wore pants.)

Rudd texted Morrison to let him know he was going to make the call. Afterwards he wrote Morrison a letter detailing what was discussed.

“I ... used the call as an opportunity to ask Dr Bourla whether there was any possible way, given Pfizer’s current international contractual obligations, to advance the dispatch of significant quantities of the Pfizer vaccine to Australia as early as possible in the third quarter this year,” Rudd wrote. He spoke, not on behalf of the government, but as a “concerned Australian”.

A week later, Morrison announced his government had convinced Pfizer to bring forward their delivery of vaccine doses to Australia. The government denies any link between Rudd’s overtures and the lucky news of the early delivery.

Health Minister Greg Hunt told the ABC: “While we were made aware of Mr Rudd’s approach, we are not aware this approach had any impact on the outcome.” He later described the ABC report as unattributed, unsourced and unverified.

Pfizer also distanced itself from any claim Rudd helped: “The only two parties involved in these agreements are Pfizer and the Australian government,” its spokeswoman said.

Whatever the truth beneath the murk, Rudd’s cheek, and the funny way the story ended up in the media â€" as has happened so often with this former prime minister â€" was delightful. It brought to mind Rudd’s effectiveness as opposition leader against John Howard, and may even have conjured a wistful memory of how many seats he won for Labor in the 2007 election (83, a 23-seat swing to the ALP).

Illustration: Reg Lynch

Illustration: Reg Lynch Credit:The Sun-Herald

I like to think former prime minister Julia Gillard is sitting back with a gin and tonic in London, drily chuckling to herself, basking in the relief that Rudd is now someone else’s problem.

Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull, who famously refused to support Rudd’s bid for United Nations secretary-general, will surely be glad Kevin is able to exercise his diplomatic prowess in this respect, at least.

Perhaps the Rudd-the-vaccination-helper story will be forgotten in the formless time-soup of the past 18 months. Who can remember anymore what happened and when? I remember some controversy over planes flying in from China, and the rest is a blur.

Most people have been following daily COVID case numbers but little else, certainly not the intricacies of political fights. But there are certain news stories that break through, because they are funny, or outrageous, or involve tantalising detail that speaks to the character and personality of the players.

This is sad for politicians. They might spend decades devoting themselves to public life, but often they will be remembered in snapshots, and often those snapshots will be of their worst moments, as framed by the media.

Prime minister Tony Abbott will be remembered for many things, but a lot for knighting Prince Philip. Conjure up Bronwyn Bishop and something about a helicopter will spring to mind. Kevin Rudd â€" didn’t he have a tantrum about a hairdryer once? (A report he denied.) Julia Gillard and the bloody fruit bowl.

We will remember Morrison, in March 2020, saying he was going to the footy, right after announcing a nationwide ban on non-essential mass gatherings. (He later changed his mind.) We remember his Hawaiian holiday during the 2019 bushfires and his telling 2GB’s John Stanley: “I don’t hold a hose, mate.”

And I suspect we will remember Rudd intervening to speed up a complacent federal government vaccination rollout that desperately needed a kick up the fundament. Even if Kevin’s kick had no effect, as the government says.

Or maybe not. Maybe the story is just another distraction. We all need those right now.

Twitter: @JacquelineMaley

Jacqueline Maley is a columnist.

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