Jeff Flake Chosen By Biden As The US Ambassador In Turkey

Jeff FlakeJeff Flake

Jeff Flake was the past Senator of Arizona. He was chosen as the ambassador to represent the USA in Turkey. Turkey and the USA did not have the best of friendships. This announcement is of huge importance as the onus will now be on Flake. He has to ensure he improves the relations between the two nations.

Jeff Flake Chosen As Ambassador, Expected To Mend Relations With Turkey

The current President of the United States, Joe Biden made a huge announcement on Tuesday. He nominated the former Arizona Senator to represent the USA in Turkey. Flake is vested with the responsibility of maintaining a healthy relationship with the President of Turkey. 

Jeff Flake was shot to fame when he attacked Trump for his indecent comments on Twitter. Flake remained a member of the Congress Party for eighteen long years. He was on the committee for managing Relationships with foreigners & managing affairs with the foreigners. Flake also served as an official in Namibia. 

The relationship between the Turks and the Americans is not all friendly. The President of Turkey allegedly ordered the attack on American citizens a few years back. The President of Turkey also supports the rebels of Syria & Libya. The President of Turkey requested the release of Fetullah Gulen. The government of the USA denied all such requests of Erdogan.

Jeff Flake has his task cut out. He has to use all his political expertise to mind the relations with the Turks. Flake has been a phenomenal official as a politician. He is one of the most accomplished individuals on Joe Biden’s team. Whether he can replicate his wonders once again remains to be seen.

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